New publications from collaborations

October 2024 - Article: Humoral signatures of Caspr2...
Terroba-Navajas et al. systematically profiled the biophysical and functional landscape of Caspr2-specific Abs using an unbiased, high-throughput systems serology platform and identify humoral correlates for human Caspr2-Ab-associated clinical disease features and outcomes.

July 2024 - Article: Ketamine alleviates NMDA receptor hypofunction....
Villéga F et al. report that ketamine (KET) and other clinically relevant NMDAR open channel blockers (OCBs) promote interactions between NMDAR and PDZ-domain-containing scaffolding proteins and enhance NMDAR trapping at synapses

July 2024 - Article: Childhood encephalitis in the Greater Mekong region...
Pommier JD et al. determine the causes of encephalitis in children admitted to hospitals across the Greater Mekong region by implementing a comprehensive state-of-the-art diagnostic procedure harmonised across all centres, and identifying clinical characteristics related to patients’ conditions.

July 2024 - Article: HLA and KIR genetic association and NK cells....
Peris Sempere V et al. suggest that the HLA-KIR axis might be involved in anti-NMDAR encephalitis. While the genetic risk conferred by the identified polymorphisms appears small, a role of this axis in the pathophysiology of this disease appears highly plausible and should be analyzed in future studies.

September 2023 - Article: Detection of High-Risk Paraneoplastic...
Co-occurring anti-tripartite motif-containing protein 9 and 67 autoantibodies (TRIM9/67-IgG) have beenreported in only a very few cases of paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome. The value of these biomarkers and the mostsensitive methods of TRIM9/67-IgG detection are not known.

June 2022 - Article: Childhood encephalitis in the...
Encephalitis is a worldwide public health issue, with a substantially high burden among children in southeast Asia. We aimed to determine the causes of encephalitis in children admitted to hospitals across the Greater Mekong region.

Februrary 2022 - Article: The Clinical Concept of LTDpathy...
Long-term depression at parallel fibers-Purkinje cells is essential for cerebellar motor learning and control. Our hypothesis underlines for the first time a potential role of LTD dysfunction in the pathogenesis of the prodromal symptoms of CAs.

Februrary 2022 - Article: Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Autoimmunity
This article reports the clinical, biological, imaging features, and the clinical course of a French cohort of patients with glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP) autoantibodies.

December 2021: Current Status of Biomarkers in...
Ciano-Petersen and al. present an overview of the biomarkers described so far in antiNMDAR encephalitis, from clinical and paraclinical features identified during the routine diagnostic workup, to advanced molecular biomarkers that could improve our understanding of anti-NMDAR encephalitis pathophysiology and lead to the development of novel targeted-treatments

November 2021: Abdominal Segmental Myoclonus...
Khatib and al. present an 86-year-old man presented with continuous movements of the abdominal wall (abdominal segmental myoclonus mimicking a belly dancer), gait unsteadiness, progressive cognitive deficit, episodic symptomatic hypotension, and diaphoresis for 2 months

July 2021 - Letter: Spinal cord tractopathy in paraneoplastic anti-CV2/CRMP5...
An adenocarcinoma of the lung was diagnosed by biopsy in a 68-year-old man in August 2018. Two weeks later, the patient reported walking difficulties and bladder incontinence....

June 2021 - Letter: Secondary antibodies detection in LGI1...
Autoimmune encephalitis is usually suspected on the basis of clinical and paraclinical criteria and confirmed by the identification of specific antibodies in serum and/or CSF samples.This letter presents a case of an anti LGI-1 encephalitis where a diagnosis was made during follow-up.

May 2021- Article: Cerebrospinal Fluid IL-17A Could Predict...
This articles reports the concentrations of CSF sIL-2R, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and IL-17A and correlates it with acute disease severity and the 1-year outcome in non-NMDAR AE.

April 2021 - Article: Missense variants in DPYSL5 cause a neurodevelopmental
This study adds DPYSL5 to the list of genes implicated in brain malformation and in neurodevelopmental disorders.

Februrary 2021 - Article: Relationship between serum NMDA...
This article from our collaboration with T Pollak and al proposes a description of the role of NMDAR antibodies in psychosis onset and response to antipsychotic treatment.

October 2020 - Article: Psychiatric symptoms in anti glutamic...
The description of the neuropsychiatric spectrum of anti-GAD LE and its specificities aims to improve our understanding of this entity, and may lead to earlier diagnosis as well as better outcome.

September 2020 - Article: Clinical features, prognostic, and antibody...
BETPSY members participated to this scientific paper which aims is to clinically characterize patients with anti-metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)1 encephalitis, identify prognostic factors, and study the IgG subclasses and effects of antibodies on neuronal mGluR1 clusters.